Monday, August 24, 2009

Budget is the word of the year...

The word budget is not only the word of the day - it's the word of the year and possibly the decade. I have been hearing it for years related to newspapers. Today, during faculty meetings, it came up over and over again. Newspapers may be struggling, but they're not the only ones facing difficult economic times.

It is my belief that those newspapers able to survive the times by proving clear, accurate and informative news to readers will come out of these times stronger and better prepared to serve readers. They will understand what readers want, they will have discovered how to provide it, and they will not soon forget how fragile the news industry can become when those things are taken for granted.

The words of the future are integrity and speed! 


Anonymous said...

I honestly believe some of the budget problems the news media is having is self imposed. In the last 15+ yrs you could see the bias the media has taken. And in the last few weeks it has become alarming. Most news sources that hyped the million man march or Obamas inaguration have stuck their head in the sand on the turn out of the DC protest on 9-12. The refusal of the media to cover the Acorn scandals, the obvious socialists in this new administration. I truly believe that you can not trust the media today. They are as corrupt as the government, and I think we can agree you cannot trust the government.

mesfox said...

I agree with your point.

Integrity and respect are words media outlets MUST take into account or they are certainly doomed. While not perfect, I believe newspapers do a better job with this. When I want to look for more balanced or truthful information regarding something I "heard" or was "told," I am far more likely to turn to newspapers I value than any television, radio or niche web site.

I also want deeper investigation into stories. I have watched the news and read about things. What exactly were all the people in DC on 9-12 angry about? Is it that they don't want health care reform? Or that they want it done differently? I would love to harness that energy and use it to figure out a solution: I can't imagine all those people love the current situation with healthy care.

Anonymous said...

I agree,
4 people protesting Bush in Texas had days of media attention. But somewhere between 1 - 2 million people came out to protest the direction this country is heading. And it was either not reported or burried on A23. Where are the media watchdogs that are supposed to do investigative reports. Where are the Murrows, Woodwards or Bernsteins? I know you won't like this, but the closest thing to them that you will find is on FOX news.

mesfox said...

You're right, I won't agree with you on Fox. I watched the other night and no one on Fox told me anything other than they were protesting against Obama. I don't really believe all those people would turn out to protest a president 8 months into his term unless they simply hate the person. If that's the case, it's disappointing.

How about finding out what spurred them to protest? What got them to turn out? And why now? Why not protest those outrageous prescription drug costs and high insurance premiums and the way companies can deny coverage? That's what will spur me to action! Not hatred.

Anonymous said...

As far as the protest goes there are more than a few people that do not want another government program. We have social security and medicare that have bankrupted our future. If you add up the taxes you pay it is probably in excess of 50% of your pay. They tried to let everyone own a home with loose qualification rules mandated by congress and Acorn, this brought down the banks. The only way to control corruption in government is to control the amount of money they are allowed to tax. And like it or not Healthcare will be a tax and so will Cap and Trade. The best thing Government could do is open up competition between states on healthcare, pass TORT reform and withhold care from people not in this country legally unless it is life threatening. The USA cannot be a free ride for people coming across the border. see attached links

Anonymous said...

I guess it is pretty obvious after 8 months who this guy is? Nobody new anything about him before the election, and we are still figuring out who he is and what he wants. Maybe these people do not like what is coming to light? Do me a favor. You seem to be somewhat open minded, at least you watched fox news once. Watch Glenn Beck for a month and tell me he is racist, or anti Obama, or a right wing puppet. I think he is a patriot. He does not like this administration any more than the last one. But at least he is not afraid to criticize both of them. We are on a road to destruction and Obama has stepped on the gas. It is scary for a lot of conservative people that question how we will pay for these new plans. I was also concerned and scared when Bush was doing his stimulus crap.

Anonymous said...

Where were you when they were hating Bush anyway? Where was your concern? where was the outrage when Bush was booed by democrats in congress? Where is the accountability for Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in the financial crisis? Pelosi telling the media that the CIA lies to them all the time? Well where are the investigations? I may be biased, but I will admit it and call BS when I see it!

Anonymous said...

you seem to honestly question where these protesters are coming from, who they are and why they are protesting? May I suggest you go to the next protest, I am hearing rumors it may be on the street in front of the major news networks in New York? Consider it investigative journalism. Why would they protest in front of NBC, CBS, ABC? Because they are not doing their job, reporting impartial news to the public. I have been to some of the T.E.A. parties it stands for taxed enough already. You may be surprised how many American Flags are there. Do you own one? You may be surprised how many older people in wheel chairs and walkers are there. You will assume they are racist, and there may be a couple. But in the thousands of people I have seen at these events, I have not witnessed racist or hate filled speech or signs. It is pro America and anti big government. It is a collective of community organizers, exercising their free speech. They are not bussed in like the union protesters. They are not given professionally made protest signs with a party slogan. They go out and make their own signs, some download artwork but most are hand made. They hear about these protests through friends and forums, emails and phone calls. We have had enough corruption on both sides, never has the corruption been so obvious with Acorn and the unions. Very few whom voted for Obama wanted to have more corruption. They wanted help with barely making enough to get by. Now that businesses have no confidence in this administration and businesses have cut back to weather the storm. Unemployment is hurting those that voted for him in mass. Like it or not Obama is a lame duck after 8 months he will not recover.

mesfox said...

Wow, I don't know exactly where to begin.

First, I wonder why I am lumped in with what others are talking about? I never brought up racism here. You did. I do not plan to go to DC. But I applaud those who do take action and protest. However, I did put in my comment that I wonder where the outrage has been for the poor health care situation for a long time? I still wonder, Why now?

Second, I do not pay 50 percent in taxes.

Third, Who is they?

Fourth, One way or another, I would like to see health care improved. I want to see solid people sitting down and talking about solutions. And I want to see health care readily available to EVERYONE. However, I don't know what's best.

Fifth, While our country can't be a free ride for everyone, I do have compassion for people born in other places who live in terrible situations and want to improve their futures. I have lived close to it and don't see it as a simple issue on paper. These are people and it's complex.

Sixth, I never commended or encouraged anyone to hate any of our presidents. So, where was i? I was right where I am now. I believe the person elected to lead our country deserves respect, but not a free ride without our scrutiny. That's where I believe the media needs to be stronger.

Seven, You put words in my mouth when you assume I am outraged by people criticizing Obama. I'm not. However, I want the criticism to be in constructive manners rather than in manners that simply send a message of dislike.

Eight, I will not commit to watching Beck or any other cable TV media personality for a month. I don't think I could stomach it. My belief is that the cable TV media folks are more likely to fade into obscurity than newspapers.

Finally, feel free to continue to post. Please, stick to some semblance of connection to the media and not simply rants about political views. This is not about me or your, but hopefully about bigger issues.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny!
You can accuse people of hatred without knowing them or their views. I do believe the only people that hate Obama are probably racist and that is why I brought it up. I do not like his policies and the people he surrounds himself with. It scares me. And that is the view of most people protesting that I have met. As far as bringing it back around to the media, can you honestly not see a bias in the reporting on Bush vs. Obama?

Newspapers in the printed form have maybe 10 or 15 years left. There will be a few holdouts, but the internet has eclipsed printed news. You are a dinosaur and you do not know it yet. You are slowly starving as an industry and there is low hanging fruit that is easy to eat, but you wont touch it. Charlie Rangle a career politician vice chairman on the tax writing committee forgets to report $2.4 million in income. Sounds like a good story to investigate? no? Have you heard about it in your print or cable news? probably not.

As far as taxes go, sit down and pencil out your state, fed, sales tax, property tax, gas tax, regulatory taxes for oil changes, new tires, water, electricity... you might be surprised.

mesfox said...

True, print could be gone at some point. But is it no longer called a newspaper just because a paper goes paperless? I guess there is a language situation there. But I do believe the work good journalists do will still be valued by our society in 20-plus years. Whether they read it in print or on line, that makes no difference to me. The value is not in the presentation.

I am leaving all these recent posts, but if you want to continue to post please stop with the anonymous stuff and be accountable to what you have to say. When we're accountable, we often act differently. It's a staple of good journalism.