Sunday, February 27, 2011

Still the best!

I'm still very confident that the reporting done for newspapers is the best source of information available to me.

That may seem like a surprising statement to many of you, but I believe it wholeheartedly. Where else can I get news today that tells me about:
— the impact of the drilling of natural gas on our drinking water (The New York Times)
— the "ugly truth" of U.S. medical experiments conducted 50 years ago or more (Associated Press)
— background on state's that do now have collective bargaining for public employee unions (The Washington Post)
— a story about the military being accused of using intelligence tactics on Senators (The Washington Post)
— an in-depth story about the Supreme Court facing conflict between constitutional rights and protecting children (The Washington Post)

And, to be honest, that's just a small glimpse into the amazing work reporters do every day at newspapers all across the world - and the country. It's not a particularly exceptional day — just another day.

I would welcome anyone to show me a medium that provides this level of in-depth information and reporting on a regular basis. The Internet may be the avenue for it - but it is newspaper reporters who do the work. Television is nowhere close, radio doesn't even really try and magazines just can't keep up. However, I will give magazines credit for doing some of the best in-depth reporting.

Good journalism - good reporting of important information - is alive and well.

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