Friday, October 3, 2008

News Judgement

Sometimes, news is thin.
Those days are most difficult in newsrooms. Figuring out what is worthy of front-page print is easy when there are major stories - a fire with multiple deaths, a presidential candidate visits town, the mayor is found guilty of perjury, a car accident blocks the major highway during rush hour, a school bond passes to build a new high school - those are easy decisions.
When news is not flying like that, things become more difficult. There are many reasons a story can end up on the front page of a paper: Timeliness, value to readers, a well-written piece, and/or simply a slow news day can all factor into decisions. Lately, there has been a flood of major national news with the presidential election looming and the economy taking center stage.
What do you think is worthy of front page news? Why?


Charles Jurries said...

For me, the front page should be the "need to know" part of the newspaper. Like, if you only had thirty seconds to tell a friend what happened that day in the news, what would you say? What's the most important headlines that would best serve people? That's a fair majority of my perspective on what should or should not go on the front page.

And my idea of "should" does not always translate into reality, which can often be, putting stories on to SELL a paper, rather than inform. But that's another can of worms that I'll just leave cracked, not open.

mesfox said...

Great points, Charles. I agree with you. And where does this discussion go when we talk about what we WANT vs. what SELLS?

Anonymous said...

As you said, stories of death and perjury and whatnot are important, and yes, they should end up on the front page, but--perhaps this is due to the fact that I love writing--I will never mind a well-written article on the front page. Pieces like this will capture the readers and sway them to read the article, despite what it's about. Is it important to give what's most important to the reader? In a strict sense, yes. However, we shouldn't neglect all other articles from the front page simply because they don't cover the election or someone dying. If it's well-written, why shouldn't it be on the front page? Not only does it draw in readers, but such stories have the potential to make the newspaper unique from other papers. If that makes sense. ;)

jennybaar said...

Why is it all the sad stories that go on the front page of a newspaper? Those make me sad. I would prefer seeing happy stories on the front page. When a story is sad I am less inclined to want to read it. I know those stories are reality but who wants to feel bad.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Charles points for stories that should be included on the front page. Important headlines should be the "so what" news of the day. And I think the concepts of “should” vs. “sell” are both used by publications in the sense they want to feature newsworthy material while keeping in mind the self-interests of their audience.

mesfox said...

Jenny, newspapers just aren't the place to go to boost your spirits. There are many other places if that's what you're looking for. Newspapers focus on what's real, true and honest - whether it is "good" or "bad."

Anonymous said...

I think that things that could impact everyone should be on the front page news. I think that things concerning goverment officials or policy should be on the front page. I also think it is good that the front page has articles about the presidential candidates and the economy because people will be affected by these things.

Anonymous said...

I think that we are so critical of people that write papers. As their job, we do expect them to do it well, but I think at times we expect them to be miracle workers. It's hard to write "the best" articles when their is not a lot of news going on. And it's hard to write "the best" articles when their is a tun of news. You can never please everyone, we all remember know that. But we seem to only remember that when it's our points that are being put across, we look at the other side and say that it's hard to please everyone. I feel like the front page should be need to know. So I would expect it to be kinda dry when there isnt really anything that we need to know.Sometimes I think we should cut journalists a little break. :)

mesfox said...

Here, here! I like your idea!

Anonymous said...

I think that if it relevant, then it is front page worthy. Of course the election debates and the election alone is relevant to everyone. But I would like to see in my papers more on whats going on in my communities, kind of like the news channels does.

By Eboni