Monday, October 13, 2008

What I want to read....

I would like to read an article about the presidential election that gets the candidates to talk about the economy in a new way. Where I'm heading is reminiscent of JFK's famous "ask now what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" speech.
What burden must individual Americans bear in order for our country to get through this economic crisis? I don't believe all the blame goes to Congress, the White House, the banks or the lenders. Individuals are also to blame. And I want a president who will hold all parties responsible, not only the obvious ones who everyone is blaming.
To do this, a reporter will have to ask good questions. And put the candidates on the spot. Can it happen?


Anonymous said...

I think that even if a reporter were to ask what burdens Americans would have to take on to get through the economic crisis it would be hard for a candidate to respond. I doubt they would place any blame on potential voters and if one candidate were to do that, the other candidate would attack him and say its not the peoples fault and then the election would probably be over. That's just one idea though; because that's not very common to hear voters could take it as hard truth and respect the candidate even more.

mesfox said...

I think you are exactly correct, Jon. Those are good points. I don't expect it, but I really want to see one of these candidates challenge Americans to take on this situation together - not expecting Congress or anyone else to bail us out.

Anonymous said...

I mean, I guess it's possible, but I think it would take a very off kilter question. The teams made up to get anyone elected today predetermine answer for so many questions that the idea of getting a straight thought out of anyone seems impossible. Kennedy, though he had writers, from what I recall reading, spoke from the heart at times and that's where these great speech moments come from. now we just hear lines that have been repeated a thousand times on the back of buses traveling cross country and were written by a B average college grad with a Polisci degree.

Now that I read your blog. I think you should read mine:

Anonymous said...

Hmm. It isn't as though the candidates don't try to ask questions that put the candidates on the spot, is it? As a reporter, we have our own opinions as to what's important, and we'll all ask different questions. Regardless of this, we could all ask these questions differently, and how the candidate perceives the question is out of our hands. We can ask any questions we want. I'm assuming that, depending on the candidate, we'll always get a different response. To answer your question, it could happen, but I don't think it will always happen.

mesfox said...

James and Brett, we all agree this is unlikely. What story would you like to see about/concerning candidates before Nov. 4? Any pressing issues that haven't been covered?

mesfox said...

I checked out the blogs. Not necessarily my musical tastes, but nicely done. I like the personal blog a bit more. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I personally believe not one party is to blame for this economic crisis; everyone had a hand in it. The lenders knew what they were doing as well as people in Congress and the persons who sign their name on the dotted line.

Regarding the president who will hold all people responsible, well, call me a cynic; but I honestly don't think we will see that because most politicians at every level (City, County, State, Federal) seem to skirt around the issue as much as possible just so they can stay in power. But, again, I'm a cynical person by nature.

mesfox said...

Me, too. But I would love to see the finger pointed back at all of us. It would be a bold move for a presidential candidate - one that would secure my vote!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jon P. With the election taking place, I feel that a candidate would not blame the voters for the economy because they would be too worried about losing. To me if the candidate can't speak the truth for fear of losing an election that is very sad and shows our lack of integrity for ourselves and this country. I also agree with the idea that voters wouldn't be able to handle the truth. There are a lot of people out there who don't really know much about the economy or government so they have one view of things. The voters would not take being blamed very well. So can this happen, candidates blame the voters in addition to everyone else? Yes they could but the real question is do they have the courage to do so?

mesfox said...

I completely agree it comes down to a political strategy. That's disappointing that honesty is not an acceptable strategy.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know that any question a reporter asks will change how the candidate responds to it. Usually, the person has an answer before they are even asked the question. It would be nice to see a president that does go after the individuals that have caused some of this economic crisis. The CEO’s and CFO’s of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should probably not even have jobs anymore. But when you ask one of the candidates how we are going to resolve the crisis, they give some textbook answer.